See below for information on the following:
View, download or print the 十大网赌软件推荐 Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy
New River Community College is committed to providing an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination based on any status protected by law. Students or prospective students who believe they have witnessed or experienced sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, should present their concerns to either of the following:
Title IX Coordinator for Students
Dr. Deborah Kennedy, Dean of Student Services
Dublin Campus, Rooker Hall, Office 268
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
Mr. John Bowler, Student Services Advisor
Christiansburg site, Office 115
540-674-3600, ext. 4318
Employees or prospective employees who believe they have witnessed or experienced sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, should present their concerns to:
Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Ms. Melissa Anderson, Interim VP for Finance and Administrative Services
Dublin Campus, Godbey Hall, Office 22
New River Community College is an institutional member of the Student Conduct Institute provided through the State University of New York. Title IX training materials for individuals involved with the Title IX process can be found at